Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology,

Management & Gramothan, Jaipur

(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to Rajasthan Technical University, Kota)
SKIT has been ranked no. 1 in Engineering Program in Rajasthan consecutively for the 7th year (2017-18 to 2023-24) by RTU, Kota
College Code REAP: 1031, RMAP: 302
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REAP-2022 Reporting Instructions

International Journals

  1. Dogiwal S.R.(2024). Mathematical exploration of consciousness through topological data analysis for decoding neurobiological states. ISSN: Electronic: 0974-5645.
  2. Choudhary S.(2023). An Efficient User Authentication and Key Agreement Scheme Wireless Sensor Network and IOT Using Various Security Approaches. ISSN: 2661-8907.
  3. Mathur, K., Jain, P., Gupta, S., & Mathur, P. (2023). Sentiment Analysis Framework of Social Media Text by Feature Extraction and Machine Learning Model. Indian Journal of Science and Technology16(29), 2233-2243.
  4. Dogiwal S.R.(2023). Breast Cancer Prediction Using Supervised Machine Learning Techniques. ISSN: Print: 0974-6846.
  5. Gill, H. S., & Gupta, S. (2023). BANKING AND FINANCIAL ANALYTICS–AN EMERGING BIG OPPORTUNITY IN DATA ANALYTICS. Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing, 38(2), 703.
  6. Choudhary M.(2023). Influence of Dielectric and Active layer Thickness on MgZnO Thin Film Transistor Electrical Characteristics. ISSN: 2321-2810 (Online), ISSN: 2321-8525 (Print).
  7. Gupta, M. K., Dadheech, P., Kumar, A., Dogiwal, S. R., Poonia, R. C., Raja, L., & Bhatt, D. P. (2022). Detection and localization for watermarking technique using LSB encryption for DICOM Image. Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, 1-12.
  8. Mathur, K., Jain, P., Gupta, S., & Mathur, P. (2022). Sentiment Analysis of Social Media Text Data using Machine Learning-A Review.
  9. Gupta S.(2021). IoT, Enabling Technologies, and Sensor Node Deployment Pattern in WSN. ISSN: 107 7441.
  10. Gupta S.(2021). Energy Efficiency in IoT Based on Sensor Node Deployment Pattern. ISSN: 2666-2558(P), 2666-2566(O).
  11. Mahrishi, M., Morwal, S., Muzaffar, A. W., Bhatia, S., Dadheech, P., & Rahmani, M. K. I. (2021). Video index point detection and extraction framework using custom YoloV4 Darknet object detection model. IEEE Access9, 143378-143391.
  12. Mahrishi M.(2021). Automatic Index Point Detection and Semantic Indexing of Educational Videos. ISSN: 0011-9342.
  13. Goyal, D., Gupta, S., & Gupta, S. (2021). Comparison of Q-Coverage P-Connectivity Sensor Node Scheduling Heuristic Between Battery Powered WSN & Energy Harvesting WSN. International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications, and Control. ISSN: 2210-3287 (Online), ISSN:2210-3279 (Print).
  14. Goyal, D., Gupta, S., & Gupta, S. (2021). Wireless sensor network in IoT and performance optimization. Recent Advances in Computer Science and communications. ISSN: 2666-2566 (Online), ISSN:2666-2558 (Print).
  15. Vishnoi, E. S., & Jain, A. K. (2021). An improved Henry gas solubility optimisation-based feature selection approach for histological image taxonomy. International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, 20(1), 58-78.
  16. Nandakumar, K., Vinod, V., Batcha, S. M. A., Sharma, D. K., Elangovan, M., Poonia, A., ... & Sengan, S. (2021). Securing data in transit using data-in-transit defender architecture for cloud communication. Soft Computing, 1-14.
  17. Dogiwal, S. R., Dadheech, P., Kumar, A., Raja, L., Kumar, A., & Beniwal, M. K. (2021, April). An Automated Optimize Utilization of Water and Crop Monitoring in Agriculture Using IoT. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 1131, No. 1, p. 012019). IOP Publishing.
  18. Mahrishi, M., Morwal, S., Dahiya, N., & Nankani, H. (2021). A framework for index point detection using effective title extraction from video thumbnails. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, 1-6.
  19. Sharma, G., Mahrishi, M., Hiran, K. K., & Doshi, R. (2020). Reverse Engineering for potential Malware detection: Android APK Smali to Java. Journal of Information Assurance & Security, 15(1).
  20. Sharma, G., Kumar, A., Sharma, H., Saini, A. K., & Dogiwal, S. R. (2020). Diabetes Data Prediction in healthcare Using Hadoop over Big Data. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine7(4), 1423-1432.
  21. Satheesh, N., Rathnamma, M. V., Rajeshkumar, G., Sagar, P. V., Dadheech, P., Dogiwal, S. R., ... & Sengan, S. (2020). Flow-based anomaly intrusion detection using machine learning model with software-defined networking for OpenFlow network. Microprocessors and Microsystems79, 103285.
  22. Sharma, U. & Gupta, S. (2019). Wireless Sensor Network: Qualitative Analysis of Diverse Blackhole Detection Plan. Journal of Communication Engineering & Systems. ISSN: 2249-8613 (Online), ISSN: 2321-5151 (Print) Volume 9, Issue 3,Pg.16-22.
  23. Dadheech, P., Kumar, A., Choudhary, C., Beniwal, M. K., Dogiwal, S. R., & Agarwal, B. (2019). An enhanced 4-way technique using cookies for robust authentication process in a wireless network. Journal of Statistics and Management Systems22(4), 773-782.
  24. Katyayan, A., Khunteta, A., Gupta, M. K., & Dogiwal, S. R. (2019). Detection of copy-move image forgery using normalized cross correlation and fast fourier transform. Journal of Statistics and Management Systems22(4), 679-688.
  25. Hiran, K. K., Doshi, R., Fagbola, T., & Mahrishi, M. (2019). Cloud Computing: Master the Concepts, Architecture and Applications with Real-world examples and Case studies. Bpb Publications.
  26. Vishnoi, S., Jain, A. K., & Sharma, P. K. (2019). An efficient nuclei segmentation method based on roulette wheel whale optimization and fuzzy clustering. Evolutionary Intelligence, 1-12.
  27. Gupta, S., & Gupta, S. (2019). Comparative analysis of energy consumption in sensor node scheduling heuristics in wireless sensor network. In Engineering Vibration, Communication and Information Processing (pp. 399-406). Springer, Singapore.
  28. Jiyani, A., Mahrishi, M., Meena, Y., & Singh, G. (2018). NAM: a nearest acquaintance modeling approach for VM allocation using R-Tree. International Journal of Computers and Applications, 1-8.
  29. Charu, Vishnoi, S.(2018). Secure Data transfer of Li-Fi – By RC4 and JWSED Algorithm. In SKIT Research Journal, ISSN: 2454-9673.
  30. Charu, Vishnoi, S.(2018). Secure Data transmission using Li-Fi: By Rivest Cipher4 and Jumbled Word String Encryption Decryption Algorithm. In International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology. ISSN : 2456-3307.
  31. Charu, Vishnoi, S.(2018). A review paper on secure data transfer of li-fi - by rc4 and JWSED algorithm. In International Journal of research and analytical reviews (IJRAR). E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138.
  32. Malpani, P., Bassi, P., Mahrishi, M., & Jain, V. (2016). A Novel Framework for Extracting GeoSpatial Information Using SPARQL Query and Multiple Header Extraction Sources. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Cognizance in Wireless Communication & Image Processing(pp. 489-499). Springer, New Delhi.
  33. Khemka, S., & Mahrishi, M. (2016). Request Allocation and Resource Management Techniques in Cloud Computing. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Cognizance in Wireless Communication & Image Processing(pp. 845-851). Springer, New Delhi.
  34. Solanki, A., & Dogiwal, S. R. (2015). Implementation of an anti-phishing technique for secure login using USB (iatslu). In Computational Intelligence in Data Mining-Volume 1(pp. 221-231). Springer, New Delhi.
  35. Sharma, S., & Mahrishi, M. (2015, November). Implementation of trust model on CloudSim based on service parametric model. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Research in Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (ICRCICN)(pp. 351-356). IEEE.
  36. Dogiwal, S. R., Shishodia, Y. S., & Upadhyaya, A. (2014). Efficient Lifting Scheme Based Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction Using Low-Resolution Images. In Advanced Computing, Networking and Informatics-Volume 1(pp. 259-266). Springer, Cham.
  37. Tiwari, A., Sharma, V., & Mahrishi, M. (2014). Service adaptive broking mechanism using MROSP algorithm. In Advanced Computing, Networking and Informatics-Volume 2(pp. 383-391). Springer, Cham.
  38. Alaria, S. K., Dogiwal, S. R., & Reader, S. K. I. T. (2013). Reducing the Packets Loss Using New MAC Protocol. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication1(9), 747-751.
  39. Tiwari, A., Nagaraju, A., & Mahrishi, M. (2013, February). An optimized scheduling algorithm for cloud broker using adaptive cost model. In 2013 3rd IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC)(pp. 28-33). IEEE.
  40. Mahrishi, M. (2013). A novel approach for selection of appropriate software as a service in cloud computing. International Journal of Computer Applications70(26).
  41. Mahrishi, M., & Nagaraju, A. (2012, December). Optimizing cloud service provider scheduling by using rough set model. In 2012 International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies, Applications and Management (ICCCTAM)(pp. 223-228). IEEE.
  42. Mahrishi, M., Shrotriya, A., & Sharma, D. K. (2012). Globally recorded binary encoded domain compression algorithm in column oriented databases. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology.
  43. Vishnoi, S., & Shrivastava, V. (2012). A new digital signature algorithm based on factorization and discrete logarithm problem. International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology3(4), 653-657.

SKIT Research Journal

  1. S. Priyanka, B. Nikhar. Passenger Authentication and Ticket Verification at Airport using QR Code Scanner. KIT Research Journal, ISSN: 2278-2508(P) 2454-9673(O),  Vol 13; ISSUE 2:2023, Pages:10-13.
  2. P. Ashish, J. Palika, M. Dolly. Image Encryption Techniques: A Review. SKIT Research Journal, ISSN: 2278-2508(P) 2454-9673(O), Vol 13; ISSUE 2:2023, Pages: 14-22.
  3. Jajoo, P., & Mittal, D.(2021). A Review on Techniques of Recommendation System. ISSN: 2278-2508(P),2454-9673(O).
  4. Sharma, U. & Gupta, S. (2020). Energy Consumption Patterns Paving Way To Isolate Black Hole Attack in WSN. In SKIT Research Journal, ISSN (PRINT) 2278-2508 ISSN (ONLINE) 2454-9673,VOLUME 10; ISSUE 2: 2020, Pg.13-20.
  5. Agrawal, N. , Jain, V., Ranjan, R.K. (2020). Analysis of Android Malware Detection Techniques in Deep Learning. SKIT Research Journal.10(2),21-26.
  6. Singh, B., Mahrishi, M. (2020). Comparing Different Models for Credit Card Fraud Detection. SKIT Research Journal.10(2),8-12. 
  7. Dogiwal, S. R., Sharma, V. Driver Fatigue Detection Analysis Based on Image Segmentation & Feature Extraction Using SVM. SKIT Research Journal.10(1),1-5.
  8. Jorwal, P., Khicha, V., Jain, V. (2020). Enhancement over Learning Vector Quantization through Distance Function. SKIT Research Journal.10(1),10-15.
  9. Dogiwal, S. R., Sharma, M. (2020). Novel Algorithm for Nickel Coin Counting using Convex Hull and Boundary Fill Concept. SKIT Research Journal.10(1),6-9.

International Conference

  1. B. Nikhar, S. Srivastava, V. Shally(2023) . Comprehensive Study on High Resolution Aerial Image Classification to highlight Issues, potential Application, and Future Scope. In 2023 4th IEEE Global Conference for Advancement in Technology (GCAT). ISBN: 979-8-3503-0525-8/23.
  2. Mittal, D., Yadav, V., & Sangwan, A. (2022). Identification of Dysgraphia: A Comparative Review. In International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering (pp. 52-62). Springer, Cham.
  3. Janu, N., Gupta, S., Nawal, M., & Choudhary, P. (2022). Query-Based Image Retrieval Using SVM. In International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering (pp. 529-539). Springer, Cham.
  4. Nawal, M., Jain, K., Mohapatra, S., & Gupta, S. (2022). Analysis of Crime Rate Prediction Using Machine Learning and Performance Analysis Using Accuracy Metrics. In International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering (pp. 302-309). Springer, Cham.
  5. Dadheech, P., Dogiwal, S. R., Kumar, A., Raja, L., Varshney, N., & Janu, N. A Compressive Review on Internet of Things in Healthcare: Opportunity, Application and Challenges.
  6. Meena, G., Mahrishi, M., & Choudhary, R. R. (2022). A Method for Data Compression and Personal Information Suppressing in Columnar Databases. In International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering (pp. 543-559). Springer, Cham.
  7. Kumar, T., Mahrishi, M., & Nawaz, S. (2022). A Review of Speech Sentiment Analysis Using Machine Learning. Proceedings of Trends in Electronics and Health Informatics: TEHI 2021376, 21.
  8. Kumar, T., Mahrishi, M., & Meena, G. (2022). A comprehensive review of recent automatic speech summarization and keyword identification techniques. Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Applications, 111-126.
  9. Nankani, H., Mahrishi, M., Morwal, S., & Hiran, K. K. (2021). A Formal Study of Shot Boundary Detection Approaches—Comparative Analysis. In Soft Computing: Theories and Applications (pp. 311-320). Springer, Singapore.
  10. Bhatnagar, A., Bhatnagar, N., & Kumar, P. (2021, March). Structuring Rich Agriculture using Pervasive Computing. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 1099, No. 1, p. 012078). IOP Publishing.
  11. Bhatnagar, A., Shankar, V. G., Devi, B., & Bhatnagar, N. (2021). An Efficient Model for High Availability Data in Hadoop 1.2. 1. In Micro-Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (pp. 569-576). Springer, Singapore.
  12. Sharma, R., Mahrishi, M., Morwal, S., & Sharma, G. (2021, April). Index Point Detection for Text Summarization using Cosine Similarity in Educational Videos. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 1131, No. 1, p. 012001). IOP Publishing.
  13. Jain, V., Singh, B., Khenwar, M., & Sharma, M. (2021, April). Static Vulnerability Analysis of Docker Images. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 1131, No. 1, p. 012018). IOP Publishing.
  14. Dogiwal, S. R., Dadheech, P., Kumar, A., Raja, L., Kumar, A., & Beniwal, M. K. (2021, April). An Automated Optimize Utilization of Water and Crop Monitoring in Agriculture Using IoT. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 1131, No. 1, p. 012019). IOP Publishing.
  15. Dadheech, P., Kumar, A., Dogiwal, S. R., Jain, V., Singh, V., & Raja, L. (2021). Improved Classification Techniques for the Diagnosis and Prognosis of Cancer. In Computer-aided Design and Diagnosis Methods for Biomedical Applications (pp. 269-292). CRC Press.
  16. Kumar, A., Dadheech, P., Dogiwal, S. R., Kumar, S., & Kumari, R. (2021). Medical Image Classification Algorithm Based on Weight Initialization-Sliding Window Fusion Convolutional Neural Network. In Computer-aided Design and Diagnosis Methods for Biomedical Applications (pp. 193-216). CRC Press.
  17. Mahrishi. M., Sharma. G., Morwal. S., Jain.V., Kalla. M.Data model recommendations for real-time machine learning applications: a suggestive approach. In 2021 Machine Learning for Sustainable Development (pp. 115-128) Proceedings ISBN No.: 9783110702514.
  18. Dadheech, P., Kumar, A., Dogiwal, S. R., Jain, V., Singh, V., & Raja, L. (2021). Improved Classification Techniques for the Diagnosis and Prognosis of Cancer. In Computer-aided Design and Diagnosis Methods for Biomedical Applications (pp. 269-292). CRC Press.  
  19. Mahrishi, M., Hiran, K. K., Meena, G., & Sharma, P. (Eds.). (2020). Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Real-time Applications. IGI global.
  20. Mahrishi, M., & Morwal, S. (2020). Index Point Detection and Semantic Indexing of Videos—A Comparative Review. Soft Computing: Theories and Applications, 1059-1070.
  21. Meena, G., Sharma, D., & Mahrishi, M. (2020, February). Traffic Prediction for Intelligent Transportation System using Machine    Learning. In 2020 3rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering: Machine Learning and Internet of Things (ICETCE)(pp. 145-148). IEEE.
  22. Gupta, S., & Gupta, S. (2020). Smart Agriculture and Farming Services Using IoT. Smart Agricultural Services Using Deep Learning, Big Data, and IoT, 154.
  23. Gupta, S., & Gupta, S. (2020). Analysis and comparison of sensor node scheduling heuristic for wsn and energy harvesting wsn.   In Smart Systems and IoT: Innovations in Computing (pp. 131-139). Springer, Singapore.
  24. Gupta, S., & Gupta, S. (2019). Comparative analysis of energy consumption in sensor node scheduling heuristics in wireless sensor network. In Engineering Vibration, Communication and Information Processing (pp. 399-406). Springer, Singapore.
  25. Vishnoi, S., Jain, A. K., & Sharma, P. K. (2019, November). A Nuclei Segmentation Method Based on Whale Optimization Algorithm Fuzzy Clustering in Histopathological Images. In 2019 4th International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Networks (ISCON) (pp. 728-732). IEEE.
  26. Gupta, S., & Gupta, S. (2018). Complexity Analysis of Multiuser Detection Schemes Based on Sphere Decoder for MIMO Wireless Communication System. In Soft Computing: Theories and Applications (pp. 587-598). Springer, Singapore.
  27. Khemnani, N., Khanna, S., Sharma. P., Bhatnagar, N. Industry Oriented Cloud Platforms and Application. In 2018, 1 st International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering (ICETCE 02-03 Feb, 2018) Proceedings ISSN NO. 2456.
  28. Goyal, S., Choudhary, S., Vishnoi, S., Janu, N. Controlling Railway Traffic Signals By Using Augmented Rality Technology. In 2018, International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering (ICETCE 02-03 Feb, 2018) Proceedings ISSN NO. 2456-7078.
  29. Rawal, R.,Janu, Neha., Panjal, S., Jain, S. (2018). Saving Energy Through Smart Enegry Detection and Monitoring Smart Devices. In 1 st International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering (ICETCE 02-03 Feb, 2018) Proceedings ISSN NO. 2456-7078.
  30. Mittal, D., Pilli, E. S., & Gupta, M. (2017, December). Efficient entity resolution using multiple blocking keys for bibliographic dataset. In 2017 International Conference on Intelligent Communication and Computational Techniques (ICCT) (pp. 108-113). IEEE.
  31. Malpani, P., Bassi, P., Mahrishi, M., & Jain, V. (2016). A Novel Framework for Extracting GeoSpatial Information Using SPARQL Query and Multiple Header Extraction Sources. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Cognizance in Wireless Communication & Image Processing (pp. 489-499). Springer, New Delhi.
  32. Parashar, D., Roy, S., & Jain, V. (2015, October). A novel symmetric key encryption technique using Cellular Automata. In 2015 International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things (ICGCIoT) (pp. 174-178). IEEE.


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