8th International Conference on “Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering: Advances in Computing, Healthcare and Smart Systems"(ICETCE-2025)
6th International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering: Industrial IoT and Cyber Physical Systems (ICETCE-2023)
5th International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering: Cognitive Computing and Intelligent IoT (ICETCE-2022); Sponsored By IBM, Infosys Campus Connect, Natural Group
4th International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering: Data Science and Blockchain Technology (ICETCE-2021); Sponsored By IBM, Infosys Campus Connect, Natural Group
3rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering: Machine Learning and Internet of Things (ICETCE-2020); Sponsored By AICTE, New Delhi, IEEE Delhi Section
2nd International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering: Machine Learning and Internet of Things (ICETCE-2019); Sponsored By DST(Rajasthan), Springer
Springer CCIS Series Proceeding
1st International Conference on “Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering” (ICETCE-2018), Technically Sponsored By Computer Society Chapter, IEEE Delhi Section.
Oxford Journal of Intelligent Decision and Data Science Proceeding
6th National Conference on “Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering” (NCETCE-2016) Technically Sponsored By Computer Society Chapter, IEEE Delhi Section & Infosys Ltd.
5th National Conference on “Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering” (NCETCE-2015) Technically Sponsored By Computer Society Chapter, IEEE Delhi Section