Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology,

Management & Gramothan, Jaipur

(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to Rajasthan Technical University, Kota)
SKIT has been ranked no. 1 in Engineering Program in Rajasthan consecutively for the 7th year (2017-18 to 2023-24) by RTU, Kota
College Code REAP: 1031, RMAP: 302
Creating Winners for Life....
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Admission Cell Timings: 8am-5pm (all working days) | 9am-4 pm (Sunday) | B.Tech Admission Open, click here
REAP-2022 Reporting Instructions

Ph.D (Doctor of Philosophy)

There are four Research Centers at our Institute. These Research Centers are approved by Rajasthan Technical University (RTU), Kota for pursuing the PhD Studies.

Research Center Branch/Stream

  • Computer Engineering
  • Electronics and Communication
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Business Administration

Eligibility for Full-time Research Scholar

(As per RTU, Kota Guideline)

  • Master's degree or a professional degree declared equivalent to the Master’s degree by the corresponding statutory regulatory body, in the appropriate discipline from any recognized University/Institute, with a minimum of 55% marks in aggregate (of all the years/semesters) where marks are awarded or minimum equivalent Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) as defined by AICTE/UGC or any other competent body as the case may be.
  • A relaxation of 5% or equivalent grade point in the minimum eligibility shall apply to the applicant belonging to the categories of “SC/ST/OBC (Non Creamy Layer)/MBC (Non-Creamy Layer) and Differently abled persons” or those who had obtained their Master’s Degree before 19th September 1991. The eligibility marks of 55% (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) and the relaxation of 5% to the categories mentioned above are permissible based only on the qualifying marks without including the grace marks procedure.


  • In addition to the educational qualifications mentioned above, the applicant must belong to at least one of the Part Time Research Scholar category defined in Regulations. Besides, applicant needs to prove the following to the satisfaction of the DRC (Departmental Research Committee):
  • Permission of the employer in writing to the applicant, to pursue a Ph.D. program along with his/her regular duties in the organization he/she is employed.
  • Availability of all facilities for pursuing research at the applicant’s parent organization/place of work, in the chosen field of research.
  • Certificate issued by the employer to allow him/her to fulfill the residential requirement during course work and contact days with the supervisor after completion of the course work as notified by University from time to time. 
  • In addition to the above, the local applicant (working and residing within 50 KM radius from the university/research center where he/she is seeking admission) may be relieved from the residential requirement during course work. However, to avail of this benefit, the applicant must submit a certificate from the employer that he/she shall be allowed to attend the classes of the course work and complete other requirements of Degree while discharging the normal official duties.

How to Apply

The applicants can apply online through the RTU DAT website by accessing link https://rtu.ac.in

Admission Procedure

In all Ph.D. programs, the admission shall be granted as per Rajasthan Technical University, Kota ordinance and regulations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and the subsequent modifications thereof. The RTU-DAT entrance examination shall be conducted at the premises of RTU, Kota every year


  • List of the applicants, eligible for entrance examination will be displayed only on the RTU DAT website and no individual communication will be made. The applicants are advised to visit regularly on the RTU website for the schedule of RTU-DAT examination and other updated information
  • The entrance examination for RTU-DAT shall consist of 100 objective type multiple choice questions of two-and-a-half-hour duration in which a set of 50 questions will be based on for Research Methodology (60 Minutes duration) and another set of 50 questions for Specialization paper (90 Minutes duration). The syllabus for Research Methodology and Specialization papers are available on the CAM/DAT website.
  • The result of the entrance examination of the qualified candidates will be displayed on the RTU-DAT website. The candidates who obtain at least 50% marks in the entrance examination (i.e. 50 marks out of the maximum total marks 100 in both the components of the entrance exam taken together) will be declared as qualified for the interview. Provided that a relaxation of 5 % of marks (from 50% to 45%) shall be allowed for the candidates belonging to “SC/ST/OBC (Non-Creamy layers)/MBC (Non-Creamy layers)/Differently-abled category” in the RTU-DAT examination to qualify for the interview (i.e. 45 marks out of the Maximum total marks 100 in both the components of the entrance exam taken together). All the qualified candidates of the RTU-DAT examination shall be invited for an interview before the DRC on the notified date. No separate communication in this regard shall be sent to the individual candidate.
  • On a notified date, the DRC shall interview the invited applicants in the order of merit of RTU-DAT entrance examination. The candidates are required to discuss their research interest/area/plan through a presentation (approx. 15 minutes duration) before DRC. The DRC will judge the suitability of the applicant for admission on the basis of following - the candidate possesses the competence for the proposed research; - the research work can be suitably undertaken at the Institution/College/Research Centre; - the proposed area of research can contribute to new/additional knowledge.
  • The final merit list of the candidates in individual specialization shall be prepared by the concerned DRC on the basis of aggregate marks obtained in entrance examination and interview as prescribed in Regulations. The candidate shall be allotted supervisor by DRC in the order of merit. Preference of the candidate for supervisor shall be considered as far as possible


As per RTU, Kota Norms


Supervisors Registered at Research Centres

 Name of   Research   Supervisor

 Research Center   Stream

 Total   Teaching   Experience   in Years

 Research Area

 Number   of Ph.D   Candidates

Dr.  Ramesh  Kumar  Pachar

 Electrical Engineering


Power System operation and control, Distributed Energy Systems, Power Quality


Dr. Sarfaraz  Nawaz

 Electrical Engineering


Power System operation and control, Distribution systems, FACTS Devices


Dr. Virendra Sangtani

 Electrical Engineering


Power Electronics, Electric Drives &Control, Renewable Energy


Dr. Dhanraj Chitara

 Electrical Engineering


Small-signal stability, Transient stability, AI applications in modern & digital control, AI applications in power system operation & control

Dr. Suman Sharma Electrical Engineering 21 Power Systems, Electric Vehicles, Electricity Market
Dr. Pooja Jain Electrical Engineering 13 Power Systems, Optimization Algorithms, Strategic Bidding, Restructuring of Electricity Markets

Dr. Mukesh  Kumar  Gupta

 Computer Engineering


Software Security, Machine Learning


Dr. Pankaj  Dadheech

Computer Engineering


High Performance Computing, Cloud Computing, Information Security, Big Data Analytics and Internet of Things.


Dr. Sunita  Gupta Computer Engineering 17 Wireless Sensor Network 03
Dr. Dinesh Kumar Sharma Civil Engineering 22 Sustainable highway construction, Pavement Material Characterization, Pavement Design and Construction -

Dr. Ashish  Nayyar

 Mechanical   Engineering/Renewable   Energy


IC engines and Alternative fuels, Solar Energy


Dr.  Chandan  Kumar

 Mechanical   Engineering/Renewable   Energy


IC engines and Alternative fuels, Solar Energy


Dr. Dheeraj Joshi

 Mechanical Engineering


Production Engg, Industrial Engg., Engineering Optimization, Artificial Intelligence


Dr. Manoj  Kumar Sain

 Mechanical Engineering


Production and Industrial engineering, Ergonomics, Occupational health, Quality Management


Dr. Deepak  Kumar

 Mechanical Engineering


Polymer composites, Optimization, Data Analytics


Dr. Manu  Augustine

 Mechanical Engineering


Design stage failure analysis


Dr. Prem  Singh

 Mechanical Engineering


Production Engineering and Machine design


Dr. Achin Srivastav

Mechanical Engineering


Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, Evolutionary Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems, Lean Six Sigma, CAD/CAM


Dr. Vikas Gautam Mechanical Engineering 19 Composites materials, Characterization of Materials, Wear, Friction, Tribology, optimization technique 01

Dr. Mukesh  Arora

 Electronics and   Communication


Microstrip Antenna Designing


Dr. Praveen  Jain

 Electronics and   Communication


Nano Electronics - Fabrication of Semiconductor Devices


Dr. Monika  Mathur

 Electronics and   Communication


Microstrip Antenna Designing


Dr. Rukhsar  Zafar

 Electronics and   Communication


Photonics Components and Waveguides


Dr. Shubhi  Jain

 Electronics and   Communication


Microstrip Antenna Designing


Dr. Swati  Arora

 Electronics and   Communication


Nano Electronics


Dr. Vikas Pathak

 Electronics and   Communication


VLSI Designing


Dr. J. P. Vijay  Electronics and   Communication 16 Photonics based Devices -
Dr. Pallav Rawal  Electronics and   Communication 14 Microstrip Antenna Designing, Reconfigurable antenna Designing -

Dr. Ona  Ladiwal

 Business Administration


Human Resource, Marketing Management


Dr. Atul  Gupta

 Business Administration


Marketing Management, Financial Management 


Dr. Savita  Choudhary

 Business Administration


Human Resource, Marketing Management


Dr.  Maneesha  Kaushik

 Business Administration


Marketing Management, Human Resource


Dr. Ajay Verma

 Business Administration


Banking, Finance



List of candidates, awarded Ph.D. till time Registered at Research Centres

S. No. Name of Candidate Name of Supervisor Topic Year of Degree Awarded


Pooja Jain Dr. Akash Saxena Intelligent Bidding Price Simulator for day- ahead Energy Market 2022
2 Kavita Jain Dr. Akash Saxena Development of Intelligent Bidding Strategy in Electricity Market 2022
3 Ankit Kumar Sharma Dr. Akash Saxena Application and Development of intelligent Demand Side Management Strategies 2023
4 Ankush Tandon Dr. Sarfaraz Nawaz Minimization of power losses and Enhancement of voltage profile by integration of renewable based DG and Var control units in distribution system. 2024
5 Sunil Dhankar Dr. Mukesh Gupta An Efficient Approach for Automatic Text Summarization of Hindi Text 2023
6 Suman Sharma Prof. Mukesh Arora Design and Analysis of MIMO Configured Microstrip Patch Antenna for 5G mid Bands and High Bands Applications. 2023

For any Query ,Contact:

Dr. Virendra Swaroop Sangtani

Admission Coordinator, PG-PhD

0141-3500300, 9799884938

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