Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology,

Management & Gramothan, Jaipur

(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to Rajasthan Technical University, Kota)
SKIT has been ranked no. 1 in Engineering Program in Rajasthan consecutively for the 7th year (2017-18 to 2023-24) by RTU, Kota
College Code REAP: 1031, RMAP: 302
Creating Winners for Life....
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Admission Cell Timings: 8am-5pm (all working days) | 9am-4 pm (Sunday) | B.Tech Admission Open, click here
REAP-2022 Reporting Instructions

Achievements at Department Level

  • The B. Tech. degree Program in Mechanical Engineering has been accredited three-times by National Board of Accreditation (NBA) since 2009 which shows the commitment of department towards quality education.
  • Department has been recognized as a Ph.D. research center from Rajasthan Technical University, Kota.
  • Thermal Engineering Lab, Production Engineering Lab and Material Testing Lab have been modernized under AICTE MODROBS grant.
  • Keeping in the mind the current need of industry, department has established a e-Yantra: Embedded System and Robotics Lab in collaboration with IIT Bombay and MHRD.
  • Department has successfully conducted six national and three international conferences on various emerging issues.
  • Department team had developed a virtual lab experiment "To study the spring testing machine and Determine the design parameters for tension and compression helical spring" under the Bootathon Contest of IIT Bombay.
  • To prepare our students for future challenges and to enhance their skills as per changing world department runs various professional clubs such as:

ASME Student Section

SAE-INDIA Collegiate Club

Robotics Club

Renewable Energy Club


Achievements at Student Level

  • Mr. Prateek Choudhary student of B. Tech. ME, 2020 batch secured AIR 20 in GATE 2021.
  • A team of Mr. Chinmay Jain (II Year ME) and Ms Kanika Singhal (II Year ECE)  secured the runner up position in the RTU TEQIP National Level Soft-Tech Hack with a cash prize of Rs.10,000 held at Anand International College of Engineering, Jaipur.
  • Mr. Akash Sharma (B. Tech Final year) won best paper award in International Conference on Recent Advances in Manufacturing from July 3 to 5, 2020 organized by SVNIT, Surat.
  • A team of students from ME department won FIRST PRIZE in reputed Smart India Hackathon (SIH 2019) contest for their project Decoction Vending Machine designed and developed for Ministry of Ayush, Government of India.
  • The project Decoction Vending Machine also won first prize in AICTE Chatra Vishwakarma Zonal Award 2020.
  • A team of four students of ASME Student Section won FIRST PRIZE in reputed Innovative Additive Manufacturing 3D (IAM3D) competition under ASME E-Fest Asia pacific 2019 held at VIT Vellore (February 01-03, 2019). The team have designed, manufactured and tested a hovercraft using 3-D printing for natural disaster situations. In this competition 25 teams from IITs, NITs, Hongkong Polytechnic and other reputed institutes from Asia pacific have participated.
  • Robotics Club, SKIT students won FIRST PRIZE in the event ‘Multirotor’, IARC and Manoeuvre during Techkriti’18, IIT Kanpur (Jan. 27-28, 2018).
  • Robotics Club SKIT students won first prize in event ‘Transporter’ during National competition PLINTH 2018, at LNMIIT , Jaipur (19-20 Jan., 2018).
    A team of 30 student members, XCELERATORS, secured AIRs as 3rd in Maneuverability, 4th in Overall Dynamics, 4th in Endurance Race, 16th in Sales Presentation and 17th in Design Event at the 5th edition of ENDURO STUDENT INDIA 2018 (4-8, JAN 2018) - An All Terrain Vehicle design challenge for student across India, organized by Delta Inc. among 80 participating teams. Click here for details
  • Students of SAE-India, SKIT Collegiate Club won 3rd prize in maneuverability and 4th rank in overall dynamics at the event “Enduro Student India (ESI)-2018”, held at Coimbatore from 4th to 7th January, 2018.
  • Students of Robotics Club, SKIT won 1st prize in the event “Vice Clutch” in “TechnorionIIT-Bombay Techfest Zonal 2017.
  • Students of SAE-India, SKIT Collegiate Club won 1st prize in event “Innovation” for innovative features in ATV designing at JIGYASA-2017, an annual fest of Global Institute of Technology, Jaipur on 23rd September, 2017.
  • A group of students of B. Tech. 2015 batch won 1st Prize along with a reward of Rupees 4000 in Innovative solutions competition “Greenovation 17” organised by Centre for Energy and Environment, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur on 19th April, 2017.
  • Students of SAE-India SKIT Collegiate club won 1st Prize in Technical quiz, paper presentation and sketching in SAE-India Student Convention held at Manipal University, Jaipur on 28th January, 2017.
  • Students of Robotics Club SKIT won first prize in event “Galactic Trooper” of “Technorion” IIT-Bombay Techfest Zonal 2016.
  • Team Xcelerators of SAEINDIA SKIT collegiate club secured 4th rank all over India in the virtual phase (I round) in National Kart Racing Championship (NKRC) held at RPM circuit, Bhopal from 17th October to 19th October, 2015. Overall, they secured 27th rank.
  • Team Xcelerators of SAEINDIA SKIT collegiate club qualified for 2nd round of “BAJA 2016 SAEINDIA All Terrain Vehicle design competition” held from 17th to 23rd February, 2016. Only two teams (SKIT, Jaipur & IIT, Jodhpur) from Rajasthan were selected for this competition.
  • Mr. Abhishek Kumar Dubey, student of B. Tech. 2014 batch got selected in Engineering Services exam in the first attempt.
  • Mr. Harsh Vardhan Singh, student of B. Tech. 2014 batch was selected for All India inter university 10 meter rifle shooting competition through RTU.
  • Mr. Kunal Advani, student of B. Tech. 2016 batch won special mention award in All Saints Youth Parliament, Ajmer as Chief of Naval Staff in National Security Council. He also stood first in club level evaluation speech contest in Toastmasters and represented college club in area level contest.

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