Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology,

Management & Gramothan, Jaipur

(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to Rajasthan Technical University, Kota)
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The faculty members are research oriented and have presented their papers in several national and international seminars, conferences. These research papers have also been published in peer reviewed international journals. The department also promotes research activities amongst students in the form of presentations on various topics of their choice

  1. Kaur, D. J., & Saraswat, N. (2022). Statistical Analysis of Learners ’ Ubiquity and Autonomy : Sustaining the Development of Learning Management System (LMS) for L2 Proficiency. Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, 25(7), 1591–1600. https://doi.org/10.1080/ 09720510.2022.2130571
  2.  Sharma, N. (2022). Madness in the Attic: Foregrounding Psychopathology in the Short Stories of Amanda Lee Koe. IJOES, (2581-8333)
  3.  Sharma, N. (2022). The Effective Manager: Few Strategies for Taking Charge. IJOES, (2581-8333)
  4. Sharma, N. (2022). How to Mind a Map: Learner-Centric Tool for Enhancing Creativity. IJOES, (2581-8333)
  5. Sharma, N. (2022). New Directions in Culture Preservation using Folklore as a Tool: A Study of Selected African Novels. IJOES, (2581-8333)
  6.  Sharma, N. (2022). Using Films as a Teaching Device for Non-Native Speakers of English. IJOES, (2581-8333)
  7.  Sharma, N. (2022). A Literature Review on Teacher Reforms Around the World. IJOES, (2581-8333)
  8. Kaur, D.J., Saraswat, N., & Alvi, I. (2021). Education in New Normal: A Consolidated Approach towards Integration of Culture with Technology-Enhanced Language Learning. ICIDR International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 1(2), 1–10.
  9. Kaur, D.J., Saraswat, N., & Alvi, I. (2021). Exploring the Effects of Blended Learning Using WhatsApp on Language Learners’ Lexical Competence. Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, 13(4), 1–17.
  10. Anjum, Sheeba(2021) Confronting Gender Inequality in J.M. Coetzee’s Disgrace, Academia Letters, 1676,1-5. https://doi.org/10.20935/AL1676.
  11. Sharma, N. (2021). Filming the Line of control: cinema in the Wake of Literature. IJOES, (2581-8333).Sharma, N. (2021).
  12. Political Parodies from Coups to conspiracies: The Polemics of Orhan Pamuk. RJOE, (2456-2696).
  13. Sharma, N. (2021). Tagore and the Notion of Nationalism: Reshaping Nation Spaces. IJOES, (2581-8333).
  14. Sharma, N. (2021). Who’s Keeping the Score? Social Impact & Pedagogical Implications unraveled through a Case Study. IJOES, (2581-8333).
  15. Singh, A., Malik, S., & Sharma, K. D. (2021). Deconstructing the Spurious Belief System behind Pilgrimage: Enlightening Youth towards Spirituality. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 6(1), 139–148. https://doi.org/10.22161/ijels.61.17
  16. Singh, A., & Malik, S. (2021). A Modern Interpretation of Sita and other Female Characters of Ramayana under Feministic Lens. Research Journal of English, 6(1), 96–104.
  17. Anjum, Sheeba, Tandon Nupur (2019). Sequestered Lives: Locating Female Isolation in JM Coetzee's Disgrace. Social Sciences International Research Journal, 5(1), 9-13
  18. Anjum, Sheeba, Tandon Nupur (2019). Mapping the Boundaries: J.M. Coetzee’s Disgrace and Slow Man as Modern Cosmopolitan Fiction. Shanlax International Journal of English, 7(4), 151-156
  19. Patni, G. (2019). Narrative Exuberance and Powerless Female Depicted in Alice Munro’s “Runaway.” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 7(5). Scopus.
  20. Patni, G. (2019). Jhumpa Lahiri: A Social and Emotional maladjustment in ‘Interpreter of Maladies. Think India Journal, 22(3).
  21. Patni, G. (2019). An Analysis of Marginalized Women Characters in the Works of Doris Lessing & Alice Munro. Journal of the Gujarat Research Society, 21(1).
  22. Patni, G. (2019). Feminist Rebellions: Lessing, Munro and Lahiri in the quest of Self Identity. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 5(2). Scopus.
  23. Sharma, N. (2018). Crisis of class and Caste in MulkRaj Anad’s “Untouchable.” International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, (1178-1180).
  24. Sharma, N. (2018). Mixed Ability Classrooms in India: Challenge for English Language Teachers. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, (1178-1180).
  25. Sharma, N. (2018). Reinterpreting Myth in MahaShweta Devi’s Draupadi. International Journal of English Research, (2455-2186).
  26. Anjum, Sheeba (2018). Locating Female Subject in British Muslim Fiction in Leila Aboulela’s ‘Minaret’ SKIT Research Journal, 8(1), 80-81
  27. Sharma, N. (2018). Crisis of Class and Caste in Mulk Raj Anand’s Untouchable. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, 6(2).
  28. Sharma, N. (2018). Mixed Ability Classrooms in India: A Challenge for English Language Teachers in India. International Journal of Creative Thoughts, 6(2).
  29. Sharma, N. (2018c). Mixed Ability Classrooms in India: A Challenge for English Language Teachers in India. International Journal of Creative Thoughts, 6(2).
  30. Patni, G. (2018). Interpreter of Maladies Glocal approach and Local concerns in Indian Scenario : Analysing Lahiri’s Narrative Techniques. International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature, 6(12).
  31. Sharma, N. (2017). Reinterpreting Myth in MahaShweta Devi’s Draupadi. International Journal of English Reasearch, 3(4).
  32. Sharma, N. (2017). N Scott Momaday’s The Way to the Rainy Mountain: An Organic and Primitive Fabric of Celebrating Nobility and Fulfillment published in Center Cannot Hold Fourth World Literature (I. Nityanandan & M. Matthew, Eds.). Creative Books.
  33. Singh, A. (2017). Redefining Identity: A Study of Verdecchia’s Fronteras Americanas. Critical Space: An International Journal of English Language and Literature, 5(3), 17–18.
  34. Singh, A. (2017). Is the Novel Bhimayana a Step towards Redefining Identity: A Study in the Light of Existentialism in the Context of Post-revolutionary Mexico. The Criterion: An International Journal in English, 8(3).
  35. Sharma, K. D. (2016). Anjana Appachan’s Bahu: A “New” Bahu. SKIT Research Journal, 6(2).
  36. Sharma, K. D. (2016). Mani-Kanchan Sanyog: Kriya Yog Darshan: A brief Introduction. In Shree Satyayatan Ashram Samiti.
  37. Purohit, N. (2015). Language Games: A Pedagogical Approach towards Gaining Communicative Competence for the weaker L2 Learners. International Journal of English Language, Literature and Humanities (IJELLH).
  38. Purohit, N. (2015). Undoing Gender: Mahesh Dattani’s The Girl who Touched the Stars. The Criterion, 3(5).
  39. Sharma, N. (2014). Cultural Sensitivity, Transnationalism and Embodiment in Michael Ondaatji’s Anil’s Ghost. SKIT International Journal of Engineering, Science, Humanities and Management, 3(2).
  40. Sharma, N. (2014). Facts, Fiction and Fabrication as a Fabulating Device in Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children. International Journal of English Literature and Language Skills, 3(4).
  41. Agrawal, S. (2014). Loneliness and Nostalgia as two recurring themes in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Lowland. Discourse, a Peer Reviewed International Journal.
  42. Singh, A. (2014). A Transnational Postcolonial Study of Subalterns: Natives of Canada and Dalits of India. The International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature, 2(11), 76–81.
  43. Singh, A. (2014). Abstruseness of Identities and Belongingness in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Namesake. The International Journal of Research, 1(8), 349–355.
  44. Sharma, N. (2013). History and Myth in Shashi Tharoor’s The Great Indian Novel. Literary Insight: A Peer Reviewed International Journal, 4.
  45. Singh, A. (2013). : George Ryga: A Postmodern Playwright. The Journal for English Language and Literary Studies, 2(2), 65–74.
  46. Singh, A. (2013). Queer Resistance in Mahesh Dattani’s Dance Like a Man Name of Journal. The Journal of Teaching and Research in English Literature, 5(1).
  47. Singh, A. (2013b). Otherness and Identity in the Plays of George Ryga. Contemporary Discourse, 4(2), 196–200. UGC Listed.
  48. Sharma, N. (2013). The Exposition of Internal Emergency in Nayantara Sahgal’s Rich like Us. International Journal of English Laiterature, Language and Skills, 2(3).
  49. Sharma, N. (2013). Fractured Identity in Githa Hariharan’s In Times of Siege. New Academia: An International Journal of Langauge, Literature and Literary Theory, 2(2).
  50. Sharma, N. (2012). Political Ideology and Construction of Nation in Salman Rushdie’s Shalimar the Clown. International Journal of English Literature, Language and Skills, 4(3).
  51. Sharma, N. (2012). The Art of Story Telling in Shashi Tharoor’s the Great Indian Novel. New Academia: An International Journal of Langauge, Literature and Literary Theory, 11(2).
  52. Sharma, N. (2012). Impact of Politics on Caste and Gender in Nayantara Sahgal’s Rich like Us. The Criterion: An International Journal in English, 3(4).
  53. Sharma, N. (2012). Women Empowerment: Myth or Reality. SKIT Research Journal, 2.

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