FDP/Workshop/Expert Lecture
- One week student workshop on "The Art of Communication" was organised on October 14-18, 2024.
- One week International Faculty Development Program (FDP) on “E-Learning Content Development” was organized on January 21-25, 2024. FDP REPORT
- One week FDP on “The Art of Effective Teaching in the light of NEP” was organized on September 12-17, 2022. NEP-2022
- A fifteen-day Winter School on “Enhancing LSRW skills” for the students was organised from 1st to 15th February 2022. WSS 2022
- A seven Day ISTTP on Soft-Skills for Capacity Building from 6th to 12th Aug. 2021. SSCB 2021
- A Five day TEQIP-III Sponsored Workshop on "Effective Communication & Presentation Skills" was organized in association with RTU, Kota from 21st to 25th September, 2020. ECPS 2020
- A Five day TEQIP-III Sponsored FDP on "Student Centered Methods and Strategies" was organized in association with RTU, Kota from 10th to 14th August, 2020. SEMS 2020