Achievements at Faculty Level
- Dr. Monika Mathur is elected as Member in IEI Rajasthan Section Society 2023, on Oct 28,2023
- Ms. Mamta Jain is among 2% Toppers in NPTEL exams, Oct 2023
- Dr. Monika Mathur is awarded Eminent Engineer Award on "World Telecommunication Day",17 May 2023 from Institution of Engineers Society, Rajasthan Section.
- Mr. Ankit Agarwal is awarded NPTEL discipline star award in May 2023.
- Mr. Vikas Pathak is awarded NPTEL discipline star award in May 2023.
- Dr. Monika Mathur is appointed as a MASTER trainer for UK India Education Research Initiative (UKIERI) program in association with AICTE and British Council (2021).
- Mr. Harshal Nigam and Mr. Vikas Pathak received Certificate of Appreciation under Best performing Mentor for NPTEL Online Certification Course in the year 2021.
- Dr. Praveen K Jain is nominated as DRC member for Department of Electronics Engineering, RTU Kota by Honorable Vice Chancellor.
- Dr. Monika Mathur (Associate Professor, ECE Department) received a Grant in 2019 under the Collaborative Research Scheme (CRS) funded by TEQIP-III for the Project “Dual band Implantable and Wearable Antenna for Breast Cancer Detection”.
- Ms. Pooja Choudhary, Ms. Kiran Rathi, Mr. Neeraj Jain, Mr.Harshal Nigam have participated in Toycathon 2020
and shortlisted for grand finale. - Mr. Abhinandan Jain, Mr. Neeraj Jain, Mr. Rahul Pandey, Ms. Kiran Rathi, Ms. Pooja Choudhary received Certificate of Appreciation under Best performing Mentor for NPTEL Online Certification Course in the year 2020.
- Received DST International collaboration (India- Poland) Project grant on “Design and Implementation of Highly Localized, Coherent and Tunable Photon Source Using Nonlinear Plasmonics and Elastomeric Actuator for Photo-thermal Therapy of Cancer Cells and Improved Detection in SERS Based Bio-Sensing” (PI-Dr. Vijay Janyani, MNIT Jaipur, Co-PIs- Dr. Vinay Kanungo, Dr. Rukhsar Zafar and, Dr. Praveen Kumar Jain from SKIT Jaipur).
- Mr. Harshal Nigam (Assistant Prof, ECE) received a travel Grant from IEEE to attend International Conference on Information and Communication Technology ICOIACT 2019 at Yogyakarta, Indonesia from 24-25 July 2019.
- Dr. Praveen Kumar Jain and Mr. Ankit Agarwal are nominated as Jury Members for Smart India Hackathon (SIH).
- Mr. Pallav Rawal received Certificate of Appreciation under Best performing Mentor for NPTEL Online Certification Course in the year 2019.
- Ms. Pooja Choudhary and Ms. Priyanka Sharma are awarded by AICTE and Texas Instruments Award for MOOC course on Embedded Systems Design using MSP 430
- Various Faculty members delivered an expert Talk in different FDPs/ Workshops and national/international conferences.
- Dr. Praveen Kumar Jain and Mr. Ankit Agarwal are nominated as Jury Members for Evaluation of Projects in STUDENTS ENGINEERING MODEL COMPETITION (SEMC) (Online Scrutiny) in 4th India International Science Festival (IISF) 2018 organized by Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Earth Sciences in association with Vigyan Bharati at Indira Gandhi Pratishthan, Lucknow.
- Dr. Praveen Kumar Jain and Mr. Ankit Agarwal are nominated as Jury Members for Evaluation of Projects in STUDENTS ENGINEERING MODEL COMPETITION (SEMC) (Online Scrutiny) in 4th India International Science Festival (IISF) 2018 organized by Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Earth Sciences in association with Vigyan Bharati at Indira Gandhi Pratishthan, Lucknow.
- Dr. Rukhsar Zafar has been awarded Gold Medal certificate by NPTEL Online Certification for successfully completing the course with a consolidated score of 90% and 98% in the year 2016 and 2018 respectively.
- Various Faculty members have been awarded Elite certificate by NPTEL Online Certification for successfully completing the course.
- Dr. Praveen K. Jain and Mr. Neeraj Jain is INUP (Indian Nano-electronics User Program) member of IISc Bangalore and IIT Bombay, respectively.
Achievements at Student Level
- SKIT team Olympians (Sanskar Chaturvedi, Manish Singh and Aesha Suthar) has been announced jointly National Winner at first position in hardware category and won Rs. 50,000 /- in Smart India Hackathon 2024 Grand Finale at MIT Pune.
Winning prize of consolidated amount of Rs. 5000/- was given by RS Power Systems Pvt. Ltd., Jaipur (Ashita Bansal) for completing the micro controller based project modular power supply model PPM2450 LCD and PPM4880 LCD, which is successfully deployed for Indian Army Base station sites.
Winning prize of consolidated amount of Rs. 5000/- was given by Oriental sales corporation (Shivansh Agarwal)for completing the 1-phase Rensas micro controller based DLMS LCD Meter, which will be deployed in various electricity boards of India.
Winning prize was given by NESSCO India Pvt.Ltd. (Shivansh Agarwal) for completing the phase-1 of project “DataLogging & Remote monitoring system for paper cup machine”.
Project titled as “Integrated Green street Light Solution” under the track WePOWER, (Manish Singh, Aesha Suthar) Selected for final round of IEEE YESIST12 2024 at Venue: Tunis Science city, Rue La Cite des Sciences, Tunis 1082, Tunisia.
The model titled as “Fog disinfection wasking kit” has been awarded as the best model award (2nd position) at National Space Day-2024 (Sandeep Kumar, Bhavesh Gupta, Raghav Sharma, Somil Khandelwal, Sanskar Chaturvedi) celebration orhanised by the ISRO Regional Academic Centre for Space (RACS) at MNIT, Jaipur.
National Level Project competition organised by Vivekanand Global University (VGU), Jaipur (Bhavesh Gupta, Raghav Sharma) secure the Consolation position.
- 290 MOOCs certificates have been earned by students. Out of which 173 certificates are Gold/Silver/Elite for excellence in NPTEL Online certification.
- Final year, ECE student and member of OSA student Chapter, SKIT received a travel grant from OSA and invited to participate and present his project idea in the student Leadership conference (SLC) and OSA Annual Meeting, Frontier in Optics/ Laser science (FiO/LS), going to be held from 13-19th Sept, 2019 in Washington DC, USA.
- A final Year project “Green House Monitoring System” received the AICTE sponsored Vishveshraiya Award 2019, of Regional level and selected for national level competition.
- A Final Year ECE project entitled as “Smart street lightning system with automatic switching and intensity control” is selected in IEEE YESIST 12 (a coding and Making Challenge) organized at Stamford International University, Thailand on 7th and 8th of September 2019.
- A team of undergraduates are selected in “BOOTATHON” event for Virtual Labs Development in coordination with IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi and IIT Kanpur
- Mahima Bhoi published a patent named as “Parabolic Solar cooker System to track sunlight in real life system” and “Tracking Parabolic Cooker System”
- RTU awarded Certificate of merit to Ms. Shivani Sharma, (Batch 2016-2018) for securing 1st rank in M.Tech. (Digital Communication).
- Jigyasa Gupta won I-Prize in IETE Project Competition on “Vehicular Child Tracking” at IETE, New Delhi in 2018.
- RTU, Kota awarded Certificate of merit to Ms. Dimple Soni, (Batch 2016-2018) for securing 8th rank in M.Tech. (Digital Communication).
- RTU, Kota awarded Certificate of merit to Ms. Yamini Rathore, (Batch 2016-2018) for securing 1st rank in M.Tech. (VLSI)
- RTU, Kota awarded Certificate of merit to Ms. Jyoti Sharma, (Batch 2016-2018) for securing 2nd rank in M.Tech. (VLSI)
- RTU, Kota awarded Certificate of merit to Ms. Reha Bagda, (Batch 2015-2019) for securing 6th rank in B.Tech.
- Ms. Simran Arora (Batch 2017-21) has received Best paper award in International Conference on "Advancements in Nano-Electronics and Communication Technologies (ICANCT-2021)".
- Mr. Gitesh khatri Secured 2nd prize in swachhta pakhwada and another award in Pravah (for make a report on a village after inspection)