Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology,

Management & Gramothan, Jaipur

(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to Rajasthan Technical University, Kota)
SKIT has been ranked no. 1 in Engineering Program in Rajasthan consecutively for the 7th year (2017-18 to 2023-24) by RTU, Kota
College Code REAP: 1031, RMAP: 302
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REAP-2022 Reporting Instructions
  1. Verma, A., Gupta, A., & Sharma, T. (2024), A Study on Customer Relationship Management in Banking Sector, International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR), 2582-2160, Volume 6, Issue 3.

  2. Ladiwal, O. (2024), Gender Disparities: A Call for Equality And Inclusion, IJRMETS, 2582-5208, Volume 6, Issue 4.

  3. Kaushik, M. (2023), Development of Soft Skills for a Successful Career and Advance Education, International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR), 2582-2160, Volume 5, Issue 6.

  4. Kaushik, M. (2023), Personalization in Marketing: Customizing the Customer Experience for Greater Engagement, International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR), 2582-2160, Volume 5, Issue 6.

  5. Kaushik, M. (2023), A Study on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Banking Services, International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR), 2582-2160, Volume 5, Issue 6.

  6. Kaushik, M. (2024), Impact of Emotional Marketing on Consumer Decision Making: A Review, International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR), 2582-2160, Volume 6, Issue 2.

  7. Ladiwal, O. (2023), E-Commerce Market Places: A Pathway to Business Growth and Opportunities to Entrepreneurs, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), 2349-5138, Volume 10, Issue 2.

  8. Sharma, T. (2023), Acceleration of Digital Banking in India, International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research, 2582-2160, Volume 5, Issue 2.

  9. Ladiwal, O. (2023), A study of Correlation Analysis of Sales and Working Capital At IFFCO Ltd., International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), 2349-5138, Volume 10, Issue 2.

  10. Gupta, A. (2023), A critical Insight into the Emerging HR Practices in IT Sector of India, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), 2349-5138, Volume 10, Issue 2.

  11. Choudhary, S. (2022), AI in Organizations: A Helping Hand of HR, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2347-6710, Volume 11, Issue 12.

  12. Sharma, T. (2023), Advertisement Helps in Brand Recognition: A Case Study on Puma Company, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2349-5138, Volume 10, Issue 2.

  13. Choudhary, S. (2023), Reducing Forecast Risk with Supply Chain Flexibility, International Journal of Innovative Research, 2347-6710, Volume 12, Issue 1.

  14. Verma, A. (2022), Growth and Instability of India's Agricultural Exports (Pre and Post Reform Period), International Journal of Innovative Research, 2347-6710, Volume 11, Issue 11.

  15. Gupta, A. (2023), Measuring the Operating Performance of the Acquirer Bank in the Pre & Post Period: Merger Between ING Vysya Bank & Kotak Mahindra Bank, Central European Management Journal, 2336-2693, Volume 31, Issue 1.

  16. Kaushik, M. (2023), Challenges and Opportunities for Entrepreneurs in Post Covid Business Environment, Financial Crisis in Post-Covid Era, 978-81-954790-2-3.

  17. Bhaskar. P. (2022), A Study on Benefits, Challenges and Factors Obstructing the Growth of E-Commerce in Business World, Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 2204-1990.
  18. Choudhary, S. (2022), Study of Work Life Balance of PNB Employees, Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 2204-1990.
  19. Pandey, R. (2022), Energy for Sustainable Development: Role of Power Sector in Rajasthan, Pacific Business Review, 0378-4568.
  20. Bhaskar. P. (2022), Role of Mobile health in the situation of Covid-19 Pandemics: Pros and Cons, Cyber-Physical Systems, 978-0-12-824557-6.
  21. Gupta, A. (2022), Indian Startup & Innovation Ecosystem, Kanpur Philosophers, 2348-8301.
  22. Kaushik, M. (2022), An overview of Impact of the Marketing Strategies of ITC on its FMCG Products, Kanpur Philosophers, 2348-8301.

  23. Pandey, R. (2022) Digitalised Education: Analysis of Role of Telecommunications in Digitalised Education for Youth (A Case Study of Airtel With Special Reference to Rajasthan), Envisioning India's Future, 978-93-54358-06-7
  24. Ladiwal, O. (2021) Status of life Skill Education in Teacher education Curriculam of SAARCC Countries: A Comparative Evaluation,, Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative inquire, 4165-4170, Scopus
  25. Choudhary, S. (2021), The Covid 19 Era's Emerging Business Trends, SKIT Research Journal, 2278-2508
  26. Gupta, A. (2021), Digital Education in India: Future Perspective and Challenges, SKIT Research Journal, 2278-2508
  27. Meel. M. (2021), Opportunities and Challenges of Online Teaching-Learning Platforms, SKIT Research Journal, 2278-2508
  28. Kaushik, M. (2021), New Practices in Teaching English in the Current Era, Exploring English Language Teaching in India: Theory & Practice, 978-93-91373-97-9
  29. Gupta, A. (2021), Effects Of Digitalization On Education In A Sustainable Development In Rajasthan: Challenges Post Pandemic, Sasmira's Business Review, 978-81-932442-6-5
  30. Ladiwal, O., & Choudhary, S. (2020). An Analytical Study of Effect of Telecommunication Industry on Environmental Degradation in India. Journal of Critical Reviews. Vol 7, Issue 15, 2020.
  31. Ladiwal, O., & Choudhary, S. (2020). The Effect of Compensation on Job Satisfaction. International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity, Vol.11, No. 2, (2020).
  32. Pandey, R., & Kaushik, M. (2020). Behavioral Psychology: An Analytical Study of Buying Behavior of Young Buyers of Jaipur City. Psychology and Education, 57(8), 914– 919.
  33. Pandey, R., Sultana, S., & Yadav, P. (2020). Relationship between organization role stress and working age group. Journal of Xi’an University of Architecture & Technology, 12(04), 2876–2873.
  34. Ladiwal, O. (2020). An Overview of Digital Marketing- A path for Growing Business. Accent Journal of Economics, Ecology and Engineering.
  35. Ladiwal, O. (2020). A Study on Human Resource Development in Cooperatives. RFI Publication.
  36. Ladiwal, O. (2020). The Influence of Talent Management and Human Resources Management on Employee Performance. RFI Publication.
  37. Gupta, A. (2020). A Study of Demographic Varibles of People’s Attitude Affecting the Effectiveness of Social Advertising in Rajasthan. Study in Indian Place Names, Vol. 40, Issue-3.
  38. Gupta, A. (2020). Managing Deviant Service Customer Behavior: A Key to Strategic Success. Our Heritage. Vol. 38, Issue-30.
  39. Gupta, A. (2020). A Study of Modern Agriculture: An Entrepreneurial Opportunity in India. Combating Industrial Challenges during Covid-19, RFI Publications.
  40. Gupta, A. (2020). Social Advertising: Effectiveness and Success. Sustainable Development of Technology & Management, RFI Publications.
  41. Pandey, R., & Yadav, T. (2020). Consumer Psychology: A Study of Buying Behavior of Youngsters in Rajasthan in Relation to Organized Retail. Tathapi, 19(2), 1–5.
  42. Jain, J., & Pandey, R. (2020). Artificial Intelligence in Human Resources: An Approach towards Reducing the Carbon Foot Print. Tathapi, 19(02), 1–5.
  43. Kaushik, M., & Pandey, R. (2020). The Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Consumer Decision Making. Palarch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 17(6), 2341–2349.
  44. Kaushik, M. (2020). Prospect of Green Tech Startups- The Green Revolution of India, Journal of Commerce and Economics, Vol. 11.
  45. Payal, P. & Kaushik, M.(2020).Prevailing Socio-Cultural Factors and their Impact on the Business Environment. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 03, 4708- 4716.
  46. Payal, P. & Poonam (2020, March).Role of Irrigation in Development: The Rajasthan Experience. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Volume-8 Issue-6, 2430-2435.
  47. Payal, P. (2019, November).Review of Tourism Industry in Rajasthan In Relation To Allocation and Utilization of Funds by the Government. Think India Journal,Vol-22, 197-207.
  48. Payal, P. (2019, November). Development Vs Environment Preservation Conundrum: Issues and Challenges. Think India Journal, Vol-22, 572-585.
  49. Pandey, R. (2019). Impact of Source of Information on Buying Behavior (A Case Study of Life Insurance Buyers of Rajasthan). Accent Journal of Economics Ecology & Engineering, 04(07), 1–5.
  50. Ladiwal, O. (2019). Cloud Kitchen- A new Concept in Online Food Industry. ICIR,
  51. Ladiwal, O. (2019). Indian Footprints towards Techno- Digital Era of Marketing. Abhay Aachal Research Foundation.
  52. Sharma, P., & Payal, P. (2019, February). Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Special Context to Paris Agreement. In Proceedings of International Conference on Sustainable Computing in Science, Technology and Management (SUSCOM), Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur- India.
  53. Choudhary, S. (2019). Outsourcing: A Contra Recruiting Trend. International Journal of Engineering, Science, Humanities and Management. Vol. 9 Issue-1.
  54. Gupta, A. (2018). The Impact of Social advertising Campaigns in Shaping the Behaviour of the People in Rajasthan. Oorja International Journal of Engineering, Science, Humanities and Management, Vol. 6, Issue-1.
  55. Choudhary, S. (2018). 360-Degree Feedback: An Uncommon yet Effective Performance Appraisal Technique. International Journal of Engineering, Science, Humanities and Management. Vol. 8, Issue-1.
  56. Choudhary, S. (2018). Skill Obsolescence: Emerging HR Challenge. IJRAR.
  57. Choudhary, S. (2018). Training Needs Analysis in Contemporary Organizations. International Journal of Engineering, Science, Humanities and Management. Vol. 8 Issue-2.
  58. Ladiwal, O. (2018). Growing Online Industry in India-A Glimpse. Accent Journal of Economics, Ecology and Engineering. Vol.03, Issue 05, May 2018,
  59. Ladiwal, O. (2018). Leadership Development Practices in Organizations- An Overview. International Journal of Engineering, Science, Humanities and Management. Vol. 8 Issue-2.
  60. Ladiwal, O. (2018). Stress at Work Place. Accent Journal of Economics, Ecology and Engineering. Vol. 03, Issue 11, November 2018.
  61. Saxena, R. K., & Payal, P. (2018). Impact of GST on Tourism Industry. Professional Panorama, 47.
  62. Saxena, R. K., & Payal, P. (2018).The New Dimensions of Tourism Industry: A Case Study of Rural Tourism in Rajasthan. Inspira- Journal of Commerce, Economics & Computer Science (JCECS). Volume 03, No. 02, 199-202.
  63. Kaushik, M. (2018). Corrolaries of Human Resources Management Strategies on Entrepreneurial Success Of Startup Entrepreneurs of Jaipur District of Rajasthan, International Journal of Management and Technology, Vol.05.Issue I.
  64. Kaushik, M. (2018). Flipkart- Walmart Deal And The Demur Of Indian Entrepreneurs, IJARCMSS, Vol 8, Issue 2. Kaushik, M. & Modi, R. (2020). Marketing of Fmcg Products at ITC, SIPM, UGC CARE Vol. 40, Issue 70. 2. 
  65. Kaushik, M. (2018). Role of Startups in the Economic Development of India, SKIT Research Journal, Vol.08.
  66. Kaushik, M. (2018) Funding Galore- Enlightening the Indian Startup Funding Scenerio. Journal of Modern Management and Entrepreneurship, Vol 8.
  67. Choudhary, S. (2017). Manpower Planning: Strategic Imperative to Organizational Success. International Journal of Engineering, Science, Humanities and Management. Vol. 7, Issue-2.
  68. Payal, P. (2017). A Study of the Physical and Organizational Infrastructure of Rajasthan Tourism. Professional Panorama: An International Journal of Applied Management and Technology, Vol.-IV, Issue-II, 236-247.
  69. Jain, M., & Gupta, A. (2016). India: The Medical and Health Tourism Destination. International Journal of Engineering, Science, Humanities and Management. Vol. 6 Issue-1.
  70. Jain, M., & Gupta, A. (2016). Social Advertising: Way Forward to Change the Public Attitude. Accounting Studies. Vol. 14, Issue-02.
  71. Mathur, G., & Pandey, R. (2016). Analysis Customer’s Perception towards the Organized Retail Service Quality. Unnati: The Business Journal, 4(1), 1–6.
  72. Pandey, R. (2016). Growth of Retail Industry in Rajasthan. Professional Panorama: An International Journal of Management & Technology, 3(1), 29–40.
  73. Pandey, R., & Joshi, P. (2016). Impact of Media on Youngsters of Jaipur. Professional Panorama: An International Journal of Management & Technology, 3(2), 80–88
  74. Munjal, S., & Pandey, R. (2015). Recent Trends in Organized Retail Sector- a Review of Consumer Preference towards Organized Retail Sector in Jaipur. Professional Panorama:An International Journal of Management & Technology, 2(2), 82–90.
  75. Pandey, R. (2015). Indian Economy for Competition Exams. Parth Publication.
  76. Jain, M., & Gupta, A. (2015). Role of Media in Social Advertising: An Empirical Study of Rajasthan. Journal of Business and Management. Vol.10, Issue-1.
  77. Kaushik, M. (2014). Invisible Entrepreneurs: Barriers to Women Achieving their Entrepreneurial Potential. SKIT Research Journal, Vol 4, Issue 2
  78. Kaushik M. (2013). The New Psychology of Leadership: Role of Influence and Power. SKIT Research Journal, VOL. 08. 

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