Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology,

Management & Gramothan, Jaipur

(An Autonomous Institute Affiliated to Rajasthan Technical University, Kota)
SKIT has been ranked no. 1 in Engineering Program in Rajasthan consecutively for the 7th year (2017-18 to 2023-24) by RTU, Kota
College Code REAP: 1031, RMAP: 302
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REAP-2022 Reporting Instructions


  1. Sachdeva, N., & Shrivastava, N. (2024). Strength and Durability Assessment of Dolomite Mine Overburden for Ground Improvement. Indian Geotechnical Journal, 1-19.
  2. Sachdeva, N., & Shrivastava, N. Sustainable Use of Solid Waste as Additives in Soil Stabilization: A State-of-Art Review. EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy, Vol. 10, Issue 04, pp. 2536-2558, December 2023.
  3. Kumar, S., Meena, S., Gupta, P., Sharma, S., & Choudhary, S. Scope and Impact of River Sand Mining in Ajmer, Rajasthan. International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 10, Issue 7, July 2023.
  4. Jain, K.L., Mangal, M., Bhargava, S., (2023) "Effect on Mechanical Properties of Concrete Using Industrial Waste", Journal of Construction Engineering, Technology & Management, Vol. 13, No. 02.
  5. Jain, A., Gupta, R., Gupta, S., & Chaudhary, S. (2023). Evaluation of real time fire performance of eco-efficient fly ash blended self-consolidating concrete including granite waste. Journal of Building Engineering77, 107553.
  6. Tolani, S., Bharti, S. D., Shrimali, M. K., & Datta, T. K. (2023). Coupled Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Building under Surface Blast. Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction28(4), 04023043.
  7. Meena, R. V., Beniwal, A. S., Jain, A., Choudhary, R., & Mandolia, R. (2023). Evaluating resistance of ceramic waste tile self-compacting concrete to sulphuric acid attack. Construction and Building Materials393, 132042.
  8. Sachdeva, N., Shrivastava, N., & Shrivastava, S. (2023). Mineralogical, pozzolanic and microscopic characterization of dolomite mine overburden. Materials Today: Proceedings.
  9. Sachdeva, N., Shrivastava, N., & Shrivastava, S. (2023). Pozzolanic reaction and strength activity index of dolomite powder incorporated cement mortar. Materials Today: Proceedings.
  10. Bharathi, M., Dubey, R. N., & Shukla, S. K. (2023). Behaviour of Batter Piles Under Machine Induced Vibrations. In Earthquake Engineering and Disaster Mitigation: Contributions in the Honour of Late Professor DK Paul (pp. 149-174). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
  11. Kushwaha, P., Sachdeva, N., Mathur, A., Chauhan, A. S., & Badhotiya, G. K. (2023, May). Webometric study on usage of nanomaterials in pavement construction. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2521, No. 1). AIP Publishing.
  12. Singh, S., Maithani, C., Malyan, S. K., Soti, A., Kulshreshtha, N. M., Singh, R., ... & Goyal, V. C. (2023). Comparative performance and 16S amplicon sequencing analysis of deep and shallow cells of a full scale HFCW having sequentially decreasing depths reveals vast enhancement potential. Bioresource Technology Reports22, 101404.
  13. Soti, A., Singh, S., Verma, V., Kulshreshtha, N. M., Brighu, U., Kalbar, P., & Gupta, A. B. (2023). Assessment of removal rate coefficient in vertical flow constructed wetland employing machine learning for low organic loaded systems. Bioresource Technology376, 128909.
  14. Khatri, A. (2023). Planning and estimation of affordable housing using sustainable material. TIJER-INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL10(4), 60-64.
  15. Singh, S., Soti, A., Kulshreshtha, N. M., Kumar, N., Brighu, U., Gupta, A. B., & Bezbaruah, A. N. (2023). Optimization of depth of filler media in horizontal flow constructed wetlands for maximizing removal rate coefficients of targeted pollutant (s). Bioresource Technology376, 128898.
  16. Bharathi, M., Raj, D., & Dubey, R. N. (2022, November). Effect of Vibration Induced by Dynamic Tests on an Adjacent Building—Finite Element Investigations. In Symposium in Earthquake Engineering (pp. 641-653). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
  17. Jain, Kishan & Dinesh, Kumar & Sharma, & Choudhary, Rakesh & Bhargava, Shruti. (2022). Impact of Waste Iron Slag on Mechanical and Durability Properties of Concrete. 17. 45-57. 
  18. Sachdeva, N., Kushwaha, P., & Sharma, D. K. (2022). Impact of clay brick dust on durability parameters of bituminous concrete. Materials Today: Proceedings.
  19. Singh, S., Kulshreshtha, N. M., Goyal, S., Brighu, U., Bezbaruah, A. N., & Gupta, A. B. (2022). Performance prediction of horizontal flow constructed wetlands by employing machine learning. Journal of Water Process Engineering50, 103264.
  20. Gautam, L., Kalla, P., Jain, J. K., Choudhary, R., & Jain, A. (2022). Robustness of self-compacting concrete incorporating bone China ceramic waste powder along with granite cutting waste for sustainable development. Journal of Cleaner Production367, 132969.
  21. Jain, A., Choudhary, S., Gupta, R., Chaudhary, S., & Gautam, L. (2022). Effect of granite industry waste addition on durability properties of fly ash blended self-compacting concrete. Construction and Building Materials340, 127727.
  22. Jain, P., Gupta, R., & Chaudhary, S. (2022). Comprehensive assessment of ceramic ETP sludge waste as a SCM for the production of concrete. Journal of Building Engineering57, 104973.
  23. Jain, K. L., & Sancheti, G. (2022). Effect of granite fines on mechanical and microstructure properties of concrete. Advances in Concrete Construction13(6), 461-470.
  24. Jain, A., Chaudhary, S., Choudhary, S., & Gupta, R. (2022). Resistance of fly ash blended self-compacting concrete incorporating granite powder against acid and sulphate environments. Arabian Journal of Geosciences15(12), 1-13.
  25. Jain, P., Gupta, R., & Chaudhary, S. (2022). A literature review on the effect of using ceramic waste as supplementary cementitious material in cement composites on workability and compressive strength. Materials Today: Proceedings.
  26. Jain, A., & Saini, S., (2022), Experimental Study of Flexible Pavement Containing Sandstone Waste as Fine Aggregate.
  27. Mathur, A., Saini, S. (2022) A Case Study on Traffic data analysis & suggestions for congestion removal at rambagh intersection of jaipur city.
  28. Jain, K. L., & Bhargava, S. (2022). Effect of House Hold Waste Glass on mechanical properties of concrete. International Journal of Concrete Technology8(1), 1-8p.
  29. Jain, K. L., & Jain, V., Jain, U. & Jain, S., (2022). Potential Use of Waste Marble Fine in Concrete. 
  30. Shekhawat, M., S., Sachdeva, N., & Sharma, D., K., (2022) Sustainable use of granite waste in civil engineering applications: A review.
  31. Kushwaha, P., Chauhan, A. S., & Swami, B. L. (2022). Utilization of waste materials from marble processing industry for sustainable pavement design. Materials Today: Proceedings.
  32. Bharathi, M., Dubey, R. N., & Shukla, S. K. (2022). Numerical simulation of the dynamic response of batter piles and pile groups. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 1-25.
  33. Kushwaha, P., Mathur, A., Hussain, S., & Chauhan, A. S. (2022). Design and enhancement of city park transport infrastructure facilities. Materials Today: Proceedings.
  34. Bharathi, M., Dubey, R. N., & Shukla, S. K. (2022). Dynamic response of underreamed batter piles subjected to vertical vibration. International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1-9.
  35. Kushwaha, P., Chauhan, A.S. & Swami, B.L. Experimental investigation on stabilization of subgrade soil using bio-enzymatic additive for pavement construction.  Infrastruct. Solut.7, 137 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s41062-022-00752-9
  36. Jain, D., Gupta, R., Choudhary, R., Alomayri, T., & Agrawal, V. (2022). Utilization of marble dust and fly ash in composite mortar as partial cement substitute. Materials Today: Proceedings60, 181-186.
  37. Gautam, L., Jain, J. K., Jain, A., & Kalla, P. (2022, March). Recycling of bone china ceramic waste as cement replacement to produce sustainable self-compacting concrete. In Structures(Vol. 37, pp. 364-378). Elsevier.
  38. Gautam, L., Jain, J. K., Jain, A., & Kalla, P. (2022). Valorization of bone-china ceramic powder waste along with granite waste in self-compacting concrete. Construction and Building Materials315, 125730.
  39. Singh, S., Soti, A., Kulshreshtha, N. M., Brighu, U., & Gupta, A. B. (2022). Customized design of horizontal flow constructed wetlands employing secondary datasets. Bioresource Technology Reports18, 101037.
  40. Goyal, A., Maurya, A., Raj, D., & Bharathi, M. (2021, December). Effect of Slope Inclination on V-H and V-M Capacity Envelope of Strip Foundation on Undrained Clay Slope. In Indian Geotechnical Conference (pp. 139-146). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
  41. Jain, A., Chaudhary, S., & Gupta, R. (2022). Mechanical and microstructural characterization of fly ash blended self-compacting concrete containing granite waste. Construction and Building Materials314, 125480.
  42. Soti, A., Singh, S., Verma, V., Kulshreshtha, N. M., Brighu, U., Kalbar, P., & Gupta, A. B. (2022). Designing the vertical flow constructed wetland based on targeted limiting pollutant. Bioresource Technology351, 127068.
  43. Choudhary, S., Singh, A., Jain, A., Gupta, R., & Chaudhary, S. (2021). Effect of Fiber Volume Fraction of Waste Originated Tire Fiber and w/c Ratio on Mechanical Properties of Functionally Graded Concrete. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, 1-18.
  44. Choudhary, R., Gupta, R., Alomayri, T., Jain, A., & Nagar, R. (2021, October). Permeation, corrosion, and drying shrinkage assessment of self-compacting high strength concrete comprising waste marble slurry and fly ash, with silica fume. In Structures(Vol. 33, pp. 971-985). Elsevier.
  45. Jain, A., Sharma, N., Choudhary, R., Gupta, R., & Chaudhary, S. (2021). Utilization of non-metalized plastic bag fibers along with fly ash in concrete. Construction and Building Materials291, 123329.
  46. Mathur, V. V., Mathur, A., & Sachdeva, N. (2006). A Study on Safety Regains of BRTS Corridor Intersection.
  47. Dwivedi, A., Kushwaha, P., & Mathur, A. Comparative study of Physical Properties on Conventional and Modified Binder.
  48. Pandey, P., P., Mathur, A., Sharma, N., K., (2021), Evaluation of Existing Pedestrian Facilities and Its Potential Improvements.
  49. Sharma, A., Chauhan, A. S., Jain, A., & Jangid, J. B. (2020). Utilization of Waste Material to Make Green Concrete. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)7(02), 1-4.
  50. Jain, K. L., Rajawat, L. S., & Sancheti, G. (2021, June). Mechanical Properties of Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag Made Concrete. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science(Vol. 796, No. 1, p. 012063). IOP Publishing.
  51. Sharma, D., Kushwaha, P., & Sachdeva, N. (2021). Use of Demolished Recycled Aggregate for Pavement Construction: A Review.
  52. Rewar, S., Mathur, A., & Kushwaha, P. Introduction to Traffic Calming Measures & Analysing the Level of Service of an Urban Street: A Stakeholder Survey.
  53. Maharishi, A., Singh, S. P., & Gupta, L. K. (2021). Strength and durability studies on slag cement concrete made with copper slag as fine aggregates. Materials Today: Proceedings38, 2639-2648.
  54. Jangid, J. B., (2020). The Green Building: A Review Approach.  Dogo Rangsang Research Journal
  55. Jain, K. L., Sancheti, G., & Gupta, L. K. (2020). Durability performance of waste granite and glass powder added concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 252, 119075.
  56. Sancheti, G., Jain, K. L., & Bhargava, S. (2020). Mechanical and durability performance of concrete made with waste marble and fly ash. Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering14(3).
  57. Sachdeva, N. & Gupta, L.K., (2020). Analysis of Existing Pedestrian Facilities in Selected Areas of Jaipur City.  International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology
  58. Bharathi, M., Raj, D., & Singh, Y. (2022). Metro Train-Induced Vibration Measurement on Buildings. In Earthquakes and Structures(pp. 201-212). Springer, Singapore.
  59. Jangid, J. B., (2020). Literature Review on Concrete Containing Waste as a Construction Material.  International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology
  60. Jain, K. L., & Bhargava, S. (2020). Effect of Alccofine on Durability Properties of Concrete. International Journal of Concrete Technology, 6(1), 23-31.
  61. Mishra, A. (2020). An Analytical approach of moment resisting frame on inclined surface in case of seismic loading.
  62. Johari, A., (2019). Assessment of Physical and Chemical Water Quality Parameters at NH-11.  International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology.
  63. Johari, A., (2019). Review Paper on Bamboo as Reinforcement in Structural Concrete Elements.  IOSR Journal of Engineering
  64. Johari, A., (2019). Review Paper on Smart City Concepts and Challenges.  IOSR Journal of Engineering.
  65. Jangid, J. B., (2019). Comparative Statistical Study on Delhi and Nepal's Geological and Seismographic Conditions.  International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology.
  66. Jangid, J. B., (2019). Low cost housing by using glass fibre reinfoced gypsum panles.  International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology.
  67. Jangid, J. B., (2019). Literature Review on Utilization of By-Products in Concrete.  IOSR Journal of Engineering.
  68. Singh, S., Achera, S., & Agnihotri, B. Suitability of Recycled Concrete Aggregates as Construction Material in Construction Field: A Technical Review.
  69. Singh, S., & Sancheti, G. (2019). REPLACEMENT OF AGGREGATE BY C&D WASTE CONCRETE.
  70. Singh, S., (2019). Performance Analysis and Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Activated Sludge Process (ASP): A Review.  IOSR Journal of Engineering.
  71. Singh, S., (2019). Performance Analysis and Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) – A Review.  IOSR Journal of Engineering.
  72. Singh, S., (2019). Analysis of Performance and Life Cycle Cost of Sequencing Batch Reactor A- Literature Review.  IOSR Journal of Engineering.
  73. Singh, S., (2019). Effect of sewage farming on Ground water quality in Muhana Mandi, Jaipur.  International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management.
  74. Jain, K. L.,(2019). To Study Mechanical Properties of Concrete by Using Industrial Waste Material.  International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology.
  75. Johari, A., & Singh, S. (2019). A Comparative Analysis of Noise Level at Jaipur City. Ski. Res. J, 9(1), 20-24.
  76. Gupta, P., & Singh, S. (2019). Planning and Designing of Roof Top Water Harvesting System for SKIT, Jaipur.  Ski. Res. J, 9(2), 33-37.
  77. Singh, S., Johari, A., & Gautam, A. J., (2019). Performance Study of Community Scale Reverse Osmosis Plant, Vidhani Jaipur.  Ski. Res. J, 9(2), 28-32.
  78. Singh, S., Sharma, M., & Kumar, A., (2019). The Municipal Solid Waste Management System of Jaipur: A Case Study.  Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research 
  79. Singh, S., & Gupta, P. (2019). Possible Effects of Sewage Farming on Ground Water Quality in Muhana Mandi, Jaipur. Methods.
  80. Mishra, A,. (2019). Sustainability Analysis of Circular Building Over Rectangular Building.  International organization of Scientific Research Journal of Engineering.
  81. Singh, S., (2019). Life Cycle Cost Assessment of Different sewage Treatment Technologies: A case Study.  Indian Water Works Association.
  82. Meena, S., Pandey, S., Khandelwal, S., & Sachdeva, N. (2018). Effect of Compaction Temperature on Optimum Binder Content of Bituminous Concrete. Int. J. Res. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol6(4), 1927-1931.
  83. Sachdeva, N. (2018). Effect of Compaction Temperature on Marshall Properties of Bituminous Concrete.
  84. Sachdeva, N., & Sharma, D. K. Effect of Compaction Temperature on Durability of Bituminous Concrete.
  85. Gupta, P. (2017). Management of plastic waste: a step towards clean environment. International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology, 8(3-4), 387-392.
  86. Mathur, D., & Sharma, D. K. (2017). Utilization of Copper Slag in M25 Grade of Concrete.
  87. Shrivastava, N. (2017). Compaction grouting–A Ground Improvement Technique Against Liquefaction.
  88. Sharma, D. K., Chand, A., & Shrivastava, N. Case Study of National Highway-65 from Gotiya to Salasar (Rajasthan).
  89. Mishra, A. (2017). Analysis of RC Frame Structure Using Shear Wall Under Seismic Action for Existing Building.
  90. Gautam, A. K., (2016). Strengthening effect in high strength silica fume concrete.  International Journal of Advances in Mechanical and Civil Engineering.
  91. Kishan, J. (2016). To effect on strength properties of concrete of by using GGBS by Partial Replacing cement and addition of GGBS without replacing cement. SSRG Int. J. Civil Eng, 3, 144-149.
  92. Kishan, J. (2016). To study the effect of the partial replacement of cement by using glass powder & fly ash in concrete.  SSRG Int. J. Civil Eng, 3.
  93. Gupta, P., Nayak, T. R., & Choudhary, M. K. (2015). GIS based water balance study for estimation of runoff in a small river watershed. Journal of Indian Water Resources Society, 35(3), 26-33.

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