Achievements and Awards
- Mr. Rajiv Kumar, Associate Professor-Physics received NPTEL DISCIPLINE STAR certificate (Jan-Apr-2024).
- Dr. Neha Purohit, Professor-English received the Top Performing Mentor Award from NPTEL for mentoring the course on Technical English for Engineers (July-December 2023).
- Dr. Neha Purohit, Professor-English received the Top Performing Mentor Award from NPTEL for mentoring the course on Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality (January-April 2023).
- Dr. Manasvi Dixit, Associate Professor-Physics received NPTEL DISCIPLINE STAR certificate (July-Dec-2022).
- Dr. Neha Purohit, Professor-English has been appointed as a member of Faculty of Applied Sciences, RTU, Kota till 2025.
- Dr. Neha Purohit, Professor-English received the Top Performing Mentor Award from NPTEL for mentoring the course on Public Speaking (July-December 2022).
- Surbhi Sharma, Assistant Professor-Mathematics received the Top Performing Mentor Award from NPTEL for mentoring the course on Soft Skills (July-December 2022).
- Deepika Jain, Assistant Professor-Mathematics received the Top Performing Mentor Award from NPTEL for mentoring the course on Public Speaking (July-December 2022).
- Surbhi Sharma, Assistant Professor-Mathematics received the Top Performing Mentor Award from NPTEL for mentoring the course on Soft Skills (Jan-April 2022).
- Dr. Nidhi Sharma has been selected as a Reviewer on the board of a Scopus International journal named Cogent Arts & Humanities published by Taylor & Francis, UK (December, 2022)
- Dr. Nidhi Sharma has delivered an expert lecture at Dubai Institute of Design & Innovation in a three day workshop on “Building Resilience in youth through Holistic Approach” on 1st October, 2022
- Dr. Anurag Sharma, Associate Professor-Chemistry was awarded 11th Principals & Teachers award 2022 for Excellence in Education by Simply Jaipur.
- Dr. Neha Purohit, Professor-English conducted an expert lecture at University Maharaja College, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur during the workshop Enhancing English Language Skills , organized on 29th and 30th July 2022
- Dr. Neha Purohit, Professor-English has been appointed as a co-guide at Amity University, Rajasthan.
- Dr. Neha Purohit, Professor-English received the Top Performing Mentor Award from NPTEL for mentoring the course on Speaking Effectively (Jan-April 2022).
- Dr. Nidhi Sharma, Associate Professor- English delivered two Expert Sessions in One-Week Training Workshop for students on the topic “Effective Communication and Personality Development” conducted by Center for Governance, Government of Rajasthan, Jaipur held from 7th-12th March, 2022.
- Dr. Nidhi Sharma, Associate Professor- English delivered an expert session in a 3-day Faculty Development Programme conducted by Christ University, Lavasa Campus, Pune on the topic “A Practical Approach to Blended Learning in Contemporary Teaching Pedagogy” held on 11th April, 2022.
- Dr. Neha Purohit, Professor-English received the Top Performing Mentor Award from NPTEL for mentoring the course on Soft-Skills (July-December 2021).
- Dr. Neha Purohit, Professor-English received the Top Performing Mentor Award from NPTEL for mentoring the English for Competitive Exams( Jan- April 2021)
- Dr. Neha Purohit, Professor-English has been Nominated as a member Faculty of Applied Sciences ( FOAS) for the years 2022-2025 under the provisions of sec 26(2) of the Rajasthan Technical University Act 2006.
- Dr. Sheeba Anjum, Assistant Professor-English received the Top Performing Mentor Award from NPTEL for mentoring the course on Soft-Skills (July-December 2021).
- Dr. Sheeba Anjum, Assistant Professor-English received the Top Performing Mentor Award from NPTEL for mentoring the English for Competitive Exams( Jan- April 2021)
- Dr. Nidhi Sharma, Associate Professor (English)has been selected for the editorial board of a Scopus journal, ‘Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies’ in 2021.
- Dr. Neha Purohit, Professor-English contributed to MOOCs developed by IIIT Kota & Directorate of Education, Government of Rajasthan in the month of April, 2021
- Dr. Shikha Agarwal, Assistant Professor-English received the best paper presenter award in RTU TEQIP III Sponsored International Conference on Post Covid Challenges on Life and Livelihood organized by Department of Applied Sciences, Poornima University, Jaipur in 2021.
- Dr. Anupriya Singh, Assistant Professor-English delivered an Expert Talk on “Employing Ethnography in Language Education” in a lecture Series on “Qualitative Research, Applied Linguistics, and English and Contemporary South Asian Society” on Dec 21, 2020- Jan 9, 2021 coordinator and organized by Kathmandu University School of Education, Nepal Sponsor:
- Dr. Neha Purohit, Professor-English received the following awards from Toastmasters International, USA in the year 2020: Excellence in Service Leadership, Select Distinguished Area Director, Competent Communicator and Triple Crown Award.
- Dr. Shalini Shekhawat, Assistant Professor-Mathematics has received Best Paper Award in Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (GCAIA 2020)
- Dr. Neha Purohit, Professor-English received the Top Performing Mentor Award from NPTEL for mentoring the course SPEAKING EFFECTIVELY conducted by IIT, Kharagpur for January-December 2020
Mr. Rajiv Kumar, Associate Professor-Physics received Certificate of Top Performing Mentor in NPTEL Online Certificate Course “The Joy of Computing Using Python” Jan-Dec 2020
- Mr. Rajiv Kumar, Associate Professor-Physics has successfully translated NPTEL Online Course on “Experimental Physics-I”
- Dr. Neha Purohit, Professor-English received the Top Performing Mentor Award from NPTEL for mentoring the course Soft-Skills and Personality Development conducted by IIT, Kanpur for January-December 2019.
- Dr. Pramila Bafna, Professor-Economics received Division Citation Award for Rajasthan in 2019-2020
- Dr. Archana Saxena, Professor-Chemistry received Iconic Faculty Award from Saksham Society & Parishkar College Jaipur in 2019.
Dr. Archana Saxena, Professor-Chemistry received National Earth Care Award from Saksham Society & JNU College Jaipur in 2019. - Dr. Nidhi Sharma, Associate Professor-English delivered an Expert Talk on 'Body Language' in a One Week Workshop on Personality Development on 20 June, 2019 sponsored by Jain Vishwa Bharti, Ahmedabad Campus.
- Dr. Anurag Sharma, Associate Professor-Chemistry was awarded 7th Principals & Teachers award 2018 for Excellence in Education by Simply Jaipur.
- Dr. Neha Purohit, Associate Professor-English delivered an Expert Talk on "LSRW" in a workshop on "Dynamics of Communication Skills" coordinated by the University Commerce College, Rajasthan University on 27 Nov.- 2 Dec., 2017 sponsored by the Rajasthan University.
- Dr. Anupriya Singh, Assistant Professor-English delivered an Expert Talk on 'Importance of Phonetics in Communication Skills " in a workshop on "Dynamics of Communication Skills" coordinated by the University Commerce College, Rajasthan University on 27 Nov.- 2 Dec., 2017 sponsored by the Rajasthan University.
- Dr. Nidhi Sharma, Associate Professor-English delivered an Expert Talk on "'Common Errors" in a workshop on "Dynamics of Communication Skills" coordinated by the University Commerce College, Rajasthan University on 27 Nov.- 2 Dec., 2017 sponsored by the Rajasthan University.
- Dr. Krishna Dayal Sharma, Professor-English received Special Contribution in Social Service Award from Aarsh Sanskriti Digdarshak Trust and Rashtriya Hindu Ekta Manch, Jaipur in the year 2017
- Dr. Krishna Dayal Sharma, Professor-English received the following awards in 2016: Women Empowerment award given by Shubh Vichar Sanstha, Jaipur; Vivekanand Gaurav Samman for special services in higher education by Nehru Yuva Kendra, Jaipur
- Dr. Raj Kumar Jain, Professor-Physics was awarded 5th Principals & Teachers award 2016 for excellence in education by Simply Jaipur
- Dr. Neha Purohit, Associate Professor-English received I Prize in Elocution Competition for Teachers in the year 2016 organised by Institution of Engineers, Rajasthan Chapter.
- Dr. Nidhi Sharma, Associate Professor-English received Best Teacher Award from Former Education Minister, Rajasthan in 2015
- Dr. Vinita Sharma, Associate Professor-Chemistry was awarded Best Teacher award 2014 by SBI Bank.
- Dr. Neha Purohit, Associate Professor-English received Silver Partner Faculty from Infosys
- Dr. Nidhi Sharma, Assistant Professor-English was appointed as a member of the board of Governor of Women's Studies, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur for the year 2012
NPTEL Achievers
S. No. | Name | Faculty | Course | Achievement |
1. | Dr. Komal Sharma | Physics | Introduction to Laser | Topper |
2. | Mr. Rajiv Kumar | Physics | Atomic and Molecular Physics | Topper 5% |
3. | Dr. Manasvi Dixit | Physics | Renewable Energy Engineering: Solar, Wind and Biomass Energy Systems | Topper 5% |
4. | Dr. Neha Purohit | English | Learning English in Hindi | Gold Medal |
5. | Dr. Sheeba | English | Learning English in Hindi | Gold Medal |
S. No. |
Name |
Faculty | Course | Achievement |
1 | Dr. Vivek Vijay | Mathematics | Essential Mathematics for Machine Learning | Topper 5% with Silver |
2 | Dr. Nawal Kishor Jangid | Mathematics | Mathematical methods and its applications | Silver and Ist Rank |
3 | Dr. Pramila Kumawat | Mathematics | Developing soft skills and personality | Silver |
4 | Chandra Prakash Jain | Mathematics | Mathematical methods and its applications | Silver |
5 | Dr. Pramila Kumawat | Mathematics | Mathematics for economics-I | Silver |
6 | Dr. Vijay Kumar Singhal | Mathematics | Mathematical methods and its applications | Silver |
7 | Dr. Vijay Kumar Singhal | Mathematics | Essential Mathematics for Machine Learning | Silver |
8 | Dr. Manasvi Dixit | Physics | Applied Optics | Silver |
S No. | Name | Faculty | Course | Achievement | |
1. | Dr. Neha Purohit | English | Soft Skills | Topper 1% and Gold | |
2. | Dr. Sheeba Anjum | English | Soft Skills | Topper 1% and Gold | |
3. | Mr. Ajay Kumar Sharma | Physics | Waste Water Treatment and Recycling | Silver Medal | |
4 | Dr. Vivek Vijay | Mathematics | Mathematics for economics-I | Topper 5% with Gold | |
5 | Chandra Prakash Jain | Mathematics | Mathematics for economics-I | Silver | |
6 | Dr. Vijay Kumar Singhal | Mathematics | Mathematics for economics-I | Silver | |
7 | Dr. Nawal Kishor Jangid | Mathematics | Mathematics for economics-I | Silver | |
8 | Dr. Pramila Kumawat | Mathematics | Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality | Silver | |
9 | Dr. Rishi Vyas | Physics | Intellectual Property | silver |
S No. | Name | Faculty | Course | Achievement | |
1. | Mr. Rajiv Kumar | Physics | Experimental Physics-II | Topper and Gold Medal | |
2. | Dr. Rishi Vyas | Physics | Experimental Physics-II | Silver Medal | |
3. | Dr. Nidhi Sharma | English | Enhancing Soft Skills and Personality | Topper 5% and Silver | |
4 | Dr Amber Srivastava | Mathematics | Introduction to Abstract Group Theory | Gold Medal | |
5 | Dr. Vijay Kumar Singhal | Mathematics | Laplace Transform | Silver | |
6 | Dr. Nawal Kishor Jangid | Mathematics | Laplace Transform | Silver |
S. No. |
Name |
Faculty |
Course |
Achievement |
1. |
Prof. Neha Purohit |
English |
Developing soft skills and personality |
Topper 2% and Gold |
2. |
Dr. Vivek Vijay |
Mathematics |
Laplace Transform |
Topper and Gold Medal |
3. |
Dr. Manasvi Dixit |
Physics |
Laser fundamentals and Applications Solar Photovoltaics Fundamentals, Technology and Applications |
Topper 5% with Gold Topper 5% with Silver |
4. |
Dr. Komal Sharma |
Physics |
Laser fundamentals and Applications Antennas |
Gold Medal Silver Medal |
5. |
Mr. Ajay Kumar Sharma |
Physics |
Laser fundamentals and Applications |
Gold Medal |
6. |
Dr. Rishi Vyas |
Physics |
Experimental Physics-I |
Topper 5% with Silver |
7. |
Mr. Pawan Kumar Jain |
Physics |
Experimental Physics-I Laser fundamentals and Applications |
Topper 5% with Silver Gold Medal |
8. |
Dr.Sharda Soni |
Chemistry |
Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Silver Medal |
9. |
Prof. Archana Saxena |
Chemistry |
Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Silver Medal |
10. |
Prof. Sangeeta Vyas |
Chemistry |
Developing Soft Skills and Personality |
Silver Medal |
11. |
Mr. Rajiv Kumar |
Physics |
Solar Photovoltaics Fundamentals, Technology and Applications Waves and Oscillations |
Topper 5% with Silver Silver Medal |
S.No. | Name | Faculty | Course | Achievement | |
1. | Dr. Swati Joshi | Chemistry |
Stereochemistry Non Conventional Energy Resources |
1st Rank with Gold Silver Medal |
2. |
Prof. Neha Purohit | English | Technical English for Engineers | 2nd rank with Gold | |
3. | Ms. Sheeba Anjum | English |
Technical English for Engineers Developing soft skills and personality |
Topper 5% with Gold Medal Gold Medal |
4. | Dr. Sangeeta Choudhary | Mathematics |
Transform Techniques for Engineers Transform calculus and its applications in Differential Equations |
Topper 2% with Gold Topper 2% with Gold
5. | Dr. Vivek Vijay | Mathematics | Discrete Mathematics | Topper 2% with Gold | |
6. | Dr. Nidhi Sharma | English | Postmoderism in Literature | 4th Rank | |
7. | Dr. Anupriya Singh | English | Postmoderism in Literature | 5th Rank | |
8. | Dr. Komal Sharma | Physics | Fiber Optics | Topper 5% with Silver Medal | |
9. | Mr. Rajiv Kumar | Physics | Fiber Optics | Topper 5% with Silver Medal | |
10. | Dr. Sharda Soni | Chemistry |
Non Conventional Energy Resources Better Spoken English |
Gold Medal Silver Medal |
11. | Dr. Poonam Ojha | Chemistry | Non Conventional Energy Resources | Silver Medal | |
12. | Prof. Braj Raj Sharma | Physics | Non Conventional Energy Resources | Silver Medal | |
13. | Dr. Manasvi Dixit | Physics | Non Conventional Energy Resources | Silver Medal | |
14. | Mr. Pawan Kumar Jain | Physics |
Non Conventional Energy Resources Antenna |
Silver Medal Silver Medal |
15. | Mr. Ajay Kumar Sharma | Physics | Non Conventional Energy Resources | Silver Medal |